Tableware as Sensorial Stimuli by Jinhyun Jeon

Sensorial stimuli Cutlery is a project by Eindhoven based designer Jinhyun Jeon to create a richer experience of tasting through the creation of specific cutlery stimulating the senses.

Cutlery design focuses on getting food in bite-sized morsels from the plate to the mouth, but it could do so much more. The project aims to reveal just how much more, stretching the limits of what tableware can do. Focusing on ways of turning eating into a richer experience, a series of dozens of different designs were created, inspired by the phenomenon of synesthesia. This is a neurological condition where stimulus to one sense can affect one or more of the other senses.

An everyday event, ‘taste’ is created as a combination of more than five senses. Tasty formulas with the 5 elements – temperature, color, texture, volume/weight, and form – are applied to design proposal. Via exploring ‘synesthesia’ if we can stretch the borders of what tableware can do, the eating experience can be enriched in multi-cross-wiring ways.

The tableware we use for eating should not just be a tool for placing food in our mouth, but it should become an extension of our body, challenging our senses even in the moment when the food is still on its way to being consumed. Each design is created to stimulate or train different senses – allowing more than just our taste buds to be engaged in the act and enjoyment of eating as sensorial stimuli, therefore it would lead the way of mindful eating which guides to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food.


How can we eat slowly down the moment of one bite and taste enhanced sweetness nevertheless consuming less amounts of sugar? ‘Tasty formulas’, which have been created by Jinhyun Jeon would help us to understand interesting ways of how we consume our food with the tasty cutlery for enhanced temperature/tactility/ color/volume/weight/form, interpreted in synesthetic ways:

SWEET × 36.5°C = SWEET +++
SALTY × 36.5°C = SALTY ++
SOUR × 36.5°C = SOUR × 100°C
BITTER × 36.5°C = BITTER –
SWEET + (0.5% × SALT) = SWEET ++
10% × (5R 4/14 ? 5YR 4/14 ? 5Y 4/14) = 2.0
90% × (5R 4/14 ? 5YR 4/14 ? 5Y 4/14) = 0.1
20% × R > 20% × Y
5cm3 × SOUND/ SIGHT = 10g × TOUCH
1mm × TOUCH > 10mm × TOUCH
(y=f(x)) × TOUCH = Y



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